Golf Program

Are you looking to improve your golf game and take your skills to the next level? Look no further! At Barerooms, we have crafted a unique monthly golf program that's designed to elevate your golfing experience. Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just getting started, our program is tailored to meet your needs.

What's Included

Week 1: Golf Simulator Mastery Experience the thrill of our state-of-the-art golf simulator during your first week. Spend an immersive hour honing your swing, mastering your shots, and refining your techniques. With realistic courses and instant feedback, you'll see real progress right from the start.

Week 2: Golf Mobility Program In the second week, we focus on enhancing your mobility. Our specialised golf mobility program is designed to increase your flexibility, range of motion, and overall physical readiness for the game. Prepare your body to perform at its best on the golf course.

Week 3: Golf Simulator Mastery (Part 2) Return to our cutting-edge simulator for another hour of intensive practice in week three. Build on the skills you've developed and fine-tune your game with our advanced features. It's all about consistency and improvement!

Week 4: Relax and Recover Cap off the month with a one-hour session in our automated massage chair. Give your body the relaxation it deserves after all that practice. Your muscles will thank you, and you'll be ready to tackle your next round with renewed energy.

Buy Now

One Month Pass: £25

With our monthly program, you'll have the opportunity to continuously improve your golf game while enjoying exclusive access to our top-notch facilities. Whether you choose the one-time pass or the recurring membership, you're making an investment in your golfing journey.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to enhance your golf skills and enjoy the perks of our premium facilities. Join us today and take the first step towards becoming a better golfer!